The purpose of this research is to give myself a better working knowledge of anatomy that could be translated to the mechanical character design idea and the creature/critter idea.
The goal of Davids tutorial is to give the audience a better understanding of how the body is broken down into basic shapes and how this can help when turning a figure in 3D space allowing an artist to develop an idea without the need of reference.
several different artists use the thumbnail technique to get the initial silhouettes of the character before committing to a final idea. During this process you are able to work out some of the design elements that conflict with the flow of a character, also by creating several of these quick small mono toned images allows a better flow of ideas.
for another character i want to create an original design this will be a horror monster/ creature film eg, critters , gremlins, alien, as there aren't many modern films that explore this genre for example you see creepy humanoid figures in films like The Grudge or the unborn but these are mainly gore with no little critter or monster to fear. i will pursue this character after researching some idea generation techniques to get me started.
i have decided to re design the jonny 5 or NUMBER 5 robot i think the reason the character worked well was the conflict between the desire to be more human but the limitations of his design made the audience feel sorry for him however i will need to do more research to back up this theory
Monday, 7 November 2011
here is my ideas board of characters that could be re-designed.